Dance Party Exhibition

Dance Party


  • Date

    May 20 - September 10, 2023
  • Location

    Third Floor

Dance Party embraces the blending of art, dance and choreography and explores movement as a method of claiming space and affirming a sense of belonging through one’s own body. Through the body, the performers and artists featured in this show find voice and enact an embodied celebration of identity. Each of the works in this exhibition champion the somatic or experiential knowledge that can be held, transmitted, relearned and unlearned through our bodies. Dance speaks to a myriad of cultures and can both celebrate and dismantle traditions. The physical movements in the works presented act simultaneously as an exorcism of painful pasts, assertion of physical presents, and aspirations for possible futures to prove that community can be built, rebuilt and strengthened through movement.

Organized by the Art Gallery of Alberta and curated by Catherine Crowston and Lindsey Sharman.

Artists: Phil Collins, Brendan Fernandes, Jeffrey Gibson, Cindy Mochizuki, Adrian Piper, Jeremy Shaw, Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca

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