Records and Remembrance: A Selection of Recent Acquisitions Exhibition

Records and Remembrance: A Selection of Recent Acquisitions


  • Date

    April 18 - July 7, 2024

Artists: Lori Blondeau, Dana Claxton, Ruth Cuthand, Isabelle Hayeur, Natalka Husar, Skeena Reece, Mary Scott, Shirley Wiitasalo, Mary Shannon Will

Records and Remembrance showcases a selection of recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery of Alberta’s Collection with a focus on living Canadian and Indigenous women artists. Each of the artists deal with the act of recording—people, places, events and materials—as a form of remembrance, an aid to memory, or an interrogation of the past.

In 2024, as the Art Gallery of Alberta reflects upon its own 100-year history, these artworks remind us of the important work of recording and remembering a diversity of voices and stories, and the ongoing work of addressing historical exclusions. 

Organized by the Art Gallery of Alberta. Curated by Catherine Crowston and Danielle Siemens. This exhibition is presented by Capital Power Indigenous Art Fund.  

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