Survey of Parking Lot with Incinerated Theatre in Foreground #1
Klyment TanCotton rag, digital pigment and cotton rag mat
printmaking -
Artwork Type
printmaking -
Dimensions (framed)
30" x 33"
Klyment Tan
Klyment Tan is an artist, photographer and motion picture camera operator who also works as an imaging consultant, specializing in technically challenging projects. He graduated from the University of Alberta, and is based in Edmonton, although his highly regarded commercial work takes him around the world. His creative practice combines his interests in aesthetics, technologies and processes. Some of his recent projects include Cloud Buildings – Urban Landscape, light-boxes that explore the symbiotic coexistence of natural and man-made environments, and Quasiparticle Interferometer, a set of images riffing on quantum experimentation, with two-dimensional "particles" interacting with their framing materials.