What do the words “Future, Space, Pixel” have in common? They are the working theme of the next BMO World of Creativity of course!
In partnership with AGA Staff, grade 4 students from Mount Royal School co-created the next iteration of the BMO World of Creativity. Students participated in a wide variety of activities, gallery visits, brainstorming discussions, and design charrettes aimed at broadening their understanding of art, exhibition design, and curatorial practice. Inspired by their chosen theme, students created a number of evolving 2D and 3D prototypes, using traditional and non-traditional art materials, as well as beta testing and critical thinking strategies to refine their ideas. This child-led process culminated in a final design plan for the AGA team to implement.
The BMO World of Creativity is an interactive, hands-on space where children and their grown-ups can explore their creativity. BMO World of Creativity exhibitions and themes change from year-to-year.