
Past Imperfect: A Canadian History Project


  • Date

    June 17 - October 8, 2017

This year we recognize the 150th anniversary of Canada’s confederation. For some it is a time for celebration; yet it is also a time to reflect on a history marked by achievements and discoveries as well as colonization and conflict.

This exhibition presents over 120 works of art that act as markers for important moments in Canada’s history. Not depictions or documents of specific people or events, the works show how artists interpret and represent the world and how their ideas and images can hold meaning in new contexts. The exhibition is not a complete or comprehensive visual history of Canada—it is an accumulation of stories and associations between works of art and moments in Canadian history.

Visitors are welcome to participate and contribute their own stories.

Organized by the Art Gallery of Alberta; curated by Catherine Crowston. Presented by Capital Powered Art, an exhibition series sponsored by Capital Power Corporation.

Thanks to Onlea, The Family Centre, and the students from EDAC for their support in developing interactive interpretive stations throughout the exhibition space. We would also like to acknowledge the community members leading the tour series. Their donations and gifts-in-kind were instrumental in enriching the dialogue of this exhibition.

Organized by the Art Gallery of Alberta; curated by Catherine Crowston. Presented by Capital Powered Art, an exhibition series sponsored by Capital Power Corporation.

This initiative is made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, a collaboration between the Edmonton Community Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, the Government of Canada, and extraordinary leaders from coast to coast to coast.

Cette initiative est rendue possible grâce au Fonds communautaire pour le 150e anniversaire du Canada, qui est une collaboration entre la Fondation Communautaire d’Edmonton, les fondations communautaires canadiennes, le gouvernement du Canada et des leaders extraordinaires de l’Atlantique au Pacifique à l’Arctique.