
Tyler Los-Jones: A panorama protects its view


  • Date

    January 23, 2015 - January 3, 2016

Tyler Los-Jones’ practice of photographing, folding, re-photographing and manipulating the planes of photographic images began as an investigation into how tourist photography relates to our understanding of geography and place.

Facing the iconic curvilinear glass and steel forms of the Art Gallery of Alberta’s architecture, the Calgary-based artist has created a site-specific image of a mountain glacier vista doubling and mirroring itself as a reflective ribbon spanning and responding to the large scale physicality of Manning Hall.

Los-Jones’ process included taking images of the Rocky Mountains near Hinton, Alberta and as a special off-site project in conjunction with the launch of this artwork for Future Station: 2015 Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art, a billboard features an image of A panorama protects its view near the highway exit of this community, with the mountain range in the distance.

Initiated in the fall of 2011, the Manning Hall commission series provides a unique opportunity for the AGA to support the creation and exhibition of new, site-specific works by Alberta artists.