


  • Date

    November 19, 2022 - January 15, 2023

For over 60 years Art Sales & Rental (ASR), a program of the Art Gallery of Alberta, has proudly represented the expanding, evolving, and ever-changing community of Alberta artists. 

Mosaic is ultimately about community. It celebrates the confluence between the local artists who create artwork here in Alberta, and you - the viewer – for whom the work is both made and about. These artists are your neighbors, friends, and family who individually create artworks that, collectively, reveal what life and art is like in Alberta today.  

Within this vibrant tapestry of paint, wax, ink, graphite, bronze, steel, wool and paper, is a mural of experiences, thoughts and emotions. The individual voice becomes a chorus, our differences become our strengths, and individual beauty comes together to create a unified beauty. Mosaic realizes that our differences strengthen us, and that by working together, we can transform into something new and powerful. 

Simply put, we are stronger together.  

Mosaic showcases a range of artworks across a variety of subjects and mediums by over 80 artists in the ASR Collection. All works are for sale and directly benefit the Artist and programs at the Art Gallery of Alberta.  

Mosaic is organized by the Art Gallery of Alberta and curated by Andrew Wujkowski.